Worship for the Community
Services at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Past Events (Page 3)

Card Making Workshop

There will be a card making workshop in the fellowship hall on Tuesday, Jan. 7th, from 10 AM to 4 PM. For more information contact Melissa Warner at 717-468-7665.

Food Bank Sunday

Collection of food and personal care items to support Lebanon County Christian Ministries’ Food Bank, which assists Lebanon County families and individuals dealing with food shortages.

Christmas Even Open House

8 p.m.-10 p.m. Open House at the Haldemans (600 Otterbein Ave., Mt. Gretna Campmeeting). Come and enjoy fellowship and food in between the two services! Feel free to bring cookies and drinks to the gathering.

Christmas Eve Service

Pastor Andrea invites youths and young adults to participate in the 11 p.m. service by playing music, reading Scriptures, ushering. Let her know if you will help.