Worship for the Community
Services at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Past Events (Page 3)

Gathering Place

Members, friends and neighbors are invited for lunch and fellowship at noon in Fellowship Hall. Menu to be determined! Gathering Place is supported by freewill donations.

The Gathering Place

Members, friends and neighbors are invited for lunch and fellowship at noon in Fellowship Hall. Menu to be determined! The Gathering Place is supported by freewill donations.

Souper Bowl Soup-to-Go Sale

Sale will start at 10 a.m. outside (weather permitting). Soup will sell for $8/quart—or $7 with a donation of a can of soup. Please support the sale by making soup or helping with sale. See “WE COULD USE A HAND” for more info. Proceeds benefit Lebanon County Christian Ministries.

Book Sale

Mary Ellen McCarty donated a lifetime of treasured and eclectic books—mysteries, non-fiction, fiction—to MGUMC when she moved from the Heights. These will be sold by donation starting at 9 a.m. in the Narthex (soup and books—what a combo!). Book Sale proceeds to benefit the Mount Gretna Community Library.

Zoom Prayer Group

Weekly online prayer group meets 7 p.m. Thursdays. Contact the church office for more information and to join.