Worship for the Community
Services at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Past Events

Zoom Prayer Group

Weekly online prayer group, 7 p.m. Thursdays. Contact the church office for more information and to join.

Lenten Service

Sermon: It’s Not the Destination. It’s the Journey. Deuteronomy 32: 1-10, 44-52.Pastor: Dwight Hein.

Gathering Place

Members, friends and neighbors are invited for lunch and fellowship at noon in Fellowship Hall. Menu to be determined! Gathering Place is supported by freewill donations.

Zoom Prayer Group

Weekly online prayer group, 7 p.m. Thursdays. Contact the church office for more information and to join.

Nurture Team

If planning activities for our church interests you, please come to a planning meeting on March 13th at 10AM. If you are interested, but cannot make the meeting, please reach out to Marcie Lloyd at mwbp66@gmail.com or Jay Benjamin at j1benja78@gmail.com. Either Marcie or Jay will send you the notes from the meeting.

Lenten Service

Sermon: Getting Free and Staying Free.Exodus 15: 22-27. Pastor: Andrea Haldeman