Worship for the Community
Services at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Posts by mtgretnachurch_fgqvyj (Page 6)

In Person Worship Services to Resume March 7th

With COVID case numbers declining we are planning to resume in-person Sunday morning worship services at our church beginning March 7, 2021. Attendees will be limited to 25 per service at 8:30 or 10:00 a.m. Recommended COVID protocols will be in effect such as facemasks, RSVP’s for services, and social distancing. For your convenience those precautions are listed below: Masks will be required at all services…

Admin Council Meeting

Dear Board Members, Our next Meeting will be Wednesday, May 20 @ 6:30 PM (yes it’s a different day and time). The main agenda items will be re-opening for worship, looking head to summer programs/activities, and a financial update. Attached is a copy of the Pandemic Re-opening Best Practices for Churches document recently distributed by our Conference. These are the practices we…

Coronavirus Update

We are currently experiencing an unprecedented level of concern over a virus that most of us know nothing about. We ask that you read the following letter from Pastor Mike to hear our thoughts and current plans for the month of March.

Worship Services Canceled 3/15

Due to the recommendations of our Annual Conference and government concerning public gatherings Mt. Gretna UMC is suspending it worship services for tomorrow March 15, 2020. Please be in prayer about the pandemic situation and all this effected.  The church office will be offering more updates about upcoming church activities in the coming week.

Summer Camp

is coming up soon! This year, our church has made a commitment to help parents of Sunday school children send their children to a week of Christian camping over the summer. The church has pledged to pay 1/3 of the cost for each child that goes. To help fund this ministry, we will be collecting donations during the 6 weeks of Lent.…