Please find the attached announcement from Don Bowman regarding the beginning of the construction for the elevator. What an exciting time.
Please find the attached announcement from Don Bowman regarding the beginning of the construction for the elevator. What an exciting time.
This year’s Lenten Book Study will begin on Wednesday, February 22nd. See the attached file for more information. Please let the office know if you are interested. Books need to be ordered by February 6th. 717-964-3241
Once again, this Christmas we will be decorating the church with sponsored Poinsettias. You will be able to pick up your plant(s) following either Christmas Eve Service. If you wish to sponsor a plant, fill out the slip below, mail it to the church, or call the Church office at 717-964-3241.All flowers come in a 6.5” pot with 5+ blooms. ORDERS DUE…
Reminder the Silent Auction will conclude on November 27, 2022. Please get your bids in now. Proceeds will benefit UMCOR and our elevator fund.
Advent usually means a time of going inward, examining our lives in preparation for the arrival of the Christ child. Robb suggests a different focus. As the Holy Family welcomed those who came to them—both shepherds and magi—perhaps we could consider whom we might allow to enter more fully into our own lives this season. This 4- week Advent study will begin…
On Sept. 11th, the 10 AM Service will return to the MGUMC Sanctuary.
Once again we will be collecting donations for summer camp. During Lent we will be collecting for Gretna Glenn. Please mark your offering appropriately. In the lobby is a bin for worn and tattered (any size) United States Flags. We have a volunteer that will collect these and see that they are properly handled. Any questions, please call me at 717-964-3241. Carolyn…
In keeping with the CDC guidelines, facemasks are not required if you are vaccinated. However, if you feel more comfortable continuing to wear a facemask during the service, you are welcomed to do so. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance of the tabernacle. Restrooms are located around the back of the stage.
Each year Jubilee offers camp scholarships to children who have a mom, dad, or both in prison or on parole. These children are invited to a weeklong overnight camping adventure. It costs about $300.00 per child. If you would like to help send a child to camp, please place your donation in the basket at the back of the church or mark…
Next Sunday is Food Bank. Please remember that you can put money in the offering designated to LCCM.