This year’s charge conference will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd at 1500 Quentin Rd. Lebanon, on November 18th at 10 AM
This year’s charge conference will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd at 1500 Quentin Rd. Lebanon, on November 18th at 10 AM
Will be meeting on Nov 26 at 11:15 to decorate the church for Christmas. Lunch is included.
The Silent Auction will run Sundays in November. You can donate items NOW. Please place items in the Fellowship Hall. Items need to be in by the end of October. They will be on display until November 8th. Bids will take place starting Nov. 8th and run until Sunday the 26th. Items may be paid for and taken home after the 10…
Cornwall Manor is holding a Crop Walk on Oct. 14th. All donations are due by Oct. 13th. You can make donations by checks made out to CWS/CROP or give on-line at If you have any questions, call Larry at 717-696-5483 or Pat at 717-270-6522.
The annual picnic will be Sunday, September 17th. There is a sign-up sheet outside the office door. Please sign up and list what you will be bringing.
Next Sunday the Children’s Choir members and their parents are welcomed to a pizza party in the fellowship hall at 11:30 AM.
We will once again start collecting for camp scholarships. Please mark your donations Camp Fund. There is a basket in the back for cash donations.
Please find the attached announcement from Don Bowman regarding the beginning of the construction for the elevator. What an exciting time.
This year’s Lenten Book Study will begin on Wednesday, February 22nd. See the attached file for more information. Please let the office know if you are interested. Books need to be ordered by February 6th. 717-964-3241
Once again, this Christmas we will be decorating the church with sponsored Poinsettias. You will be able to pick up your plant(s) following either Christmas Eve Service. If you wish to sponsor a plant, fill out the slip below, mail it to the church, or call the Church office at 717-964-3241.All flowers come in a 6.5” pot with 5+ blooms. ORDERS DUE…